bebi. Eltern. Beratung. Information.

bebi. Eltern. Beratung. Information.

Welcome to

The birth of a child is a special emotional experience.
Parents are provided with a flood of information and brochures, some of which are very different and contradictory.
This leads to uncertainty, especially for young mothers and fathers, and sometimes leaves them with more questions than answers.

Professional network

The “bebi” project was launched to provide parents and counselors with a standardized and reliable information platform.
On the initiative of aks gesundheit, Vorarlberg’s counseling facilities and the specialist groups of gynecologists and pediatricians have joined forces to develop recommendations for everyday counseling in close professional coordination.

Valuable topics

Informationen rund ums  StillenSchlafenImpfen

An initiative of Vorarlberg advisory services

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A newborn baby is like the beginning of all things -
it is wonder, hope, dream of all possibilities.
Eda J. LeShan

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